
The Nature Design Laboratory® is an ongoing collaboration of Studio Matt and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal in Austria, developing and co-creating interdisciplinary formats on emerging themes around Nature-Human relationships in the Anthropocene.

GUSTA University of Gothenburg Sustainability Award, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2022
KLAR! Climate Change Adaptation Model Regions for Austria Funding, Vorarlberg, Austria, 2022
LEADER Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l‘Economie Rurale Grant, Vorarlberg, Austria, 2023
KLAR! Climate Change Adaptation Model Regions for Austria Funding, Vorarlberg, Austria, 2023
Gothenburg Crafts Association Annual Scholarship, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2024
Alpinale v-shorts short film selection, Vorarlberg, Austria, 2024

  • Nature Design Camp, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal

    The Living End exhibition, Gothenburg, Sweden

    Nature Design School, lunch seminar, Gothenburg Centre for sustainable development, Gothenburg, Sweden

    Nature Design School with Katerina Cerna, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Nature Design School, Patagonia Micro Tool Conference, Zurich, Switzerland

    Nature Design School with Isadora Alves, FHV University of Sciences, Dornbirn, Austria

    Nature Design Camp with Isadora Alves, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal

    Nature Design Guide with Isadora Alves, publication, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal, Austria

    Nature Design Space with Isadora Alves, exhibition in collaboration with Walserherbst Festival, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal

    Nature Design School with Linda Meixner, art and science hike, in collaboration with Offline Village, Gargellen, Austria

    Nature Design School, Eco-Social Design Lab, FHV University of Sciences, Austria

    Nature Design School with Lukas Rinnhofer, art and science walk, FHV University of Sciences, Austria

    Beyond Growth – weaving the fabric of a new society, panel discussion, FHV University of Sciences, Austria

  • Nature Design School, practice presentation, Hafnar.haus, Reykjavik, Iceland

    Nature Design Camp in collaboration with Bernhard Poscher, Winter Lights Festival, short film screening, Reykjavik, Iceland

    Nature Design Camp in collaboration with Bernhard Poscher, Other Grounds film festival, short film screening, Reykjavik, Iceland

    Nature Design School in collaboration with Isadora Alves, More-than-human design in practice artist book chapter contribution, Helsinki, Finland

    Nature Design Camp in collaboration with Bernhard Poscher, Alpinale short film festival, artist discussion, Bludenz, Austria

    Nature Design School in collaboration with Linda Meixner, Offline Hikes, Austria

    Nature Design Space in collaboration with Sarah Schlatter, ORF Lange Nacht der Museen, Artenne, Austria

    Nature Design Laboratory in collaboration with Artist in Co-existence, art residency, Orust, Sweden

    Nature Design Laboratory in collaboration with REGIO, Werkstatt fürs Tal, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal, Austria

    Nature Design School, FHV University of Applied Sciences, Dornbirn, Austria

Watch full documentary by Bernhard Poscher

Official ALPINALE v-shorts selection 2024


Nature Design Laboratory® Nature Design Camp® Nature Design Guide® Nature Design Space® Nature Design School® Nature Design Community®

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